Use this vector: c("alex john cardazzi", "jeremy william barbara", "nate crawford moon", "jordan scott elam", "julius randle")
namez <- c("alex john cardazzi", "jeremy william barbara", "nate crawford moon", "jordan scott elam", "julius randle")
gsub("\\s.+", "", namez)
## [1] "alex" "jeremy" "nate" "jordan" "julius"
gsub("[[:alpha:]]+\\s", "", namez)
## [1] "cardazzi" "barbara" "moon" "elam" "randle"
gsub("\\s$", "", gsub("^[[:alpha:]]+\\s|[[:alpha:]]+$", "", namez))
## [1] "john" "william" "crawford" "scott" ""
(if no middle initial, do not keep the "-" at the end)paste0(gsub("[[:alpha:]]+\\s", "", namez),
gsub("\\s.+", "", namez),
ifelse(gsub("\\s$", "", gsub("^[[:alpha:]]+\\s|[[:alpha:]]+$", "", namez)) == "", "", "-"),
gsub("\\s$", "", gsub("^[[:alpha:]]+\\s|[[:alpha:]]+$", "", namez)))
## [1] "cardazzi-alex-john" "barbara-jeremy-william" "moon-nate-crawford"
## [4] "elam-jordan-scott" "randle-julius"
vector in R. You may use the following script as an outline:pword <- "ny"
timeNow <- Sys.time()
success <- 0
counter1 <- 1
while(success == 0){
l1 <- letters[counter1]
counter2 <- 1
while(success == 0 & counter2 < 27){
l2 <- letters[counter2]
# cat("\r", paste0(l1, l2))
if(paste0(l1, l2) == "ny"){
success <- 1
} else {
counter2 <- counter2 + 1
counter1 <- counter1 + 1
print(Sys.time() - timeNow)
## Time difference of 0.03474283 secs
pyramid <- function(the_char, size){
for(i in 1:size){
if(i == size){
vec <- paste0(paste(rep(the_char, i), collapse = ""), "x")
} else {
vec <- paste(rep(the_char, i), collapse = "")
for(i in (size-1):1){
print(paste(rep(the_char, i), collapse = ""))
pyramid(the_char = "a", size = 5)
## [1] "a"
## [1] "aa"
## [1] "aaa"
## [1] "aaaa"
## [1] "aaaaax"
## [1] "aaaa"
## [1] "aaa"
## [1] "aa"
## [1] "a"