All Materials Here

Use the sharks dataset for this HW. This should be more slightly more difficult than the first homework. You will likely have to do some googling, but I have hinted some functions to look into. After each line, try to view the data to see if the results of your code match what you wanted it to do.

## Please cite as:
##  Hlavac, Marek (2018). stargazer: Well-Formatted Regression and Summary Statistics Tables.
##  R package version 5.2.2.
rm(list = ls())

sharks <- read.csv("C:/Users/alexc/Desktop/Empirical Workshop/data/sharks.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

1 - Make a time series plot of the number of attacks per year.

timeSeries <- table(sharks$Year)
plot(timeSeries, type = "l", ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Year")

2 - Make a frequency distribution for the ages of those being attacked.

plot(table(as.numeric(sharks$Age)), ylab = "Frequncy", xlab = "Age")
## Warning in table(as.numeric(sharks$Age)): NAs introduced by coercion

3 - Plot the locations of the shark attacks. Color the attacks by whether or not the attack was fatal.

sharks$fatalColor <- as.numeric(as.factor(sharks$Fatal..Y.N.))
#plot(sharks$Longitude, sharks$Latitude, pch = 19, col = c(1,2))
plot(sharks$Longitude, sharks$Latitude,
     col = alpha(sharks$fatalColor, .1), pch = 19)

4 - Make a new binary variable for whether the attack was on the west coast.

sharks$westCoast <- ifelse(sharks$Longitude < -100, 1, 0)
##   0   1 
## 761 237

5 - Make a binary variable for if the attack was unprovoked.

##             Invalid            Provoked        Questionable 
##                  61                  57                   4 
##        Sea Disaster Under investigation          Unprovoked 
##                   2                   1                 837 
##          Watercraft 
##                  36
sharks$unprovoked <- ifelse(sharks$Type == "Unprovoked", 1, 0)
##   0   1 
## 161 837

6 - Make a binary variable for if there was “No injury” or a “minor” injury

sharks$severe_injury <- ifelse(grepl("No injury", sharks$Injury) | grepl("minor", tolower(sharks$Injury)), 0, 1)
##   0   1 
## 229 769

7 - Make a binary variable for if the person attacked was male.

sharks$Sex <- ifelse(sharks$Name == "female", "F", ifelse(sharks$Name == "male", "M", sharks$Sex))
sharks$Sex <- ifelse(sharks$Sex == "", NA, sharks$Sex)
sharks$male <- ifelse($Sex), NA, ifelse(sharks$Sex == "M", 1, 0))
##   0   1 
## 224 755

8 - Make summary stats for the sharks data.

stargazer(sharks, type = "text")
## =============================================================================
## Statistic            N    Mean    St. Dev.   Min    Pctl(25) Pctl(75)   Max  
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Year                998 2,009.572  5.588    2,000    2,005    2,014    2,019 
## original.order      998 5,297.683 640.417   4,239   4,739.2   5,842    6,427 
## Latitude            998  29.611    5.116    5.889    27.355   32.819  60.691 
## Longitude           998  -94.624   26.284  -169.534 -96.548  -80.327  -64.621
## Maximum.Temperature 980  82.559    7.805    42.200   79.100   87.900  98.500 
## Minimum.Temperature 980  68.324    9.093    23.100   63.750   74.600  84.800 
## Temperature         980  75.079    7.986    35.900   71.900   80.500  91.400 
## Precipitation       980   0.154    0.653    0.000    0.000    0.000   11.300 
## Precipitation.Cover 980   7.362    16.883   0.000    0.000    8.300   100.000
## Wind.Speed          979  14.200    4.556    0.000    11.200   16.400  44.700 
## Wind.Gust           126  32.548    7.686    4.500    30.000   36.425  57.500 
## Visibility          975   9.233    1.147    1.500    8.800    10.000  12.800 
## fatalColor          998   1.964    0.277      1        2        2        3   
## westCoast           998   0.237    0.426      0        0        0        1   
## unprovoked          998   0.839    0.368      0        1        1        1   
## severe_injury       998   0.771    0.421      0        1        1        1   
## male                979   0.771    0.420    0.000    1.000    1.000    1.000 
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

9 - Given an attack, what factors lead to more serious injuries?

#exploring weather with these regressions
reg1 <- lm(severe_injury ~ westCoast, data = sharks)
reg2 <- lm(severe_injury ~ westCoast + Temperature + Precipitation + Wind.Speed + Visibility, data = sharks)
reg3 <- lm(severe_injury ~ westCoast*Temperature + Precipitation + Wind.Speed + Visibility, data = sharks)
stargazer(reg1, reg2, reg3,
          type = "text", omit.stat = c("ser", "f"))
## ===================================================
##                            Dependent variable:     
##                       -----------------------------
##                               severe_injury        
##                          (1)       (2)       (3)   
## ---------------------------------------------------
## westCoast             -0.297*** -0.256*** -0.914***
##                        (0.030)   (0.035)   (0.271) 
## Temperature                     0.006***    0.003  
##                                  (0.002)   (0.002) 
## Precipitation                    -0.002    -0.001  
##                                  (0.020)   (0.019) 
## Wind.Speed                        0.003     0.002  
##                                  (0.003)   (0.003) 
## Visibility                        0.002    -0.002  
##                                  (0.011)   (0.011) 
## westCoast:Temperature                      0.009** 
##                                            (0.004) 
## Constant              0.841***   0.288*   0.627*** 
##                        (0.015)   (0.164)   (0.214) 
## ---------------------------------------------------
## Observations             998       975       975   
## R2                      0.090     0.111     0.116  
## Adjusted R2             0.089     0.106     0.111  
## ===================================================
## Note:                   *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
#exploring the person/interaction
reg1 <- lm(severe_injury ~ westCoast*Temperature + unprovoked, data = sharks)
reg2 <- lm(severe_injury ~ westCoast*Temperature + male, data = sharks)
reg3 <- lm(severe_injury ~ westCoast*Temperature + unprovoked + male, data = sharks)
reg4 <- lm(severe_injury ~ westCoast*Temperature + unprovoked + male + as.numeric(Age), data = sharks)
## Warning in eval(predvars, data, env): NAs introduced by coercion
reg5 <- lm(severe_injury ~ westCoast*Temperature + unprovoked + male + as.numeric(Age) + Year, data = sharks)
## Warning in eval(predvars, data, env): NAs introduced by coercion
stargazer(reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4, reg5, 
          add.lines = list(c("Year FE", rep("N", 4), "Y")),
          type = "text", omit.stat = c("ser", "f"), omit = "Year")
## =======================================================================
##                                      Dependent variable:               
##                       -------------------------------------------------
##                                         severe_injury                  
##                          (1)       (2)       (3)       (4)       (5)   
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## westCoast             -0.972*** -0.998*** -1.021*** -1.050*** -1.052***
##                        (0.264)   (0.263)   (0.263)   (0.297)   (0.294) 
## Temperature             0.002     0.002     0.002     0.002     0.002  
##                        (0.002)   (0.002)   (0.002)   (0.003)   (0.003) 
## unprovoked             0.078**             0.066*    -0.018    -0.028  
##                        (0.035)             (0.035)   (0.044)   (0.043) 
## male                             -0.048    -0.046    -0.057*  -0.068** 
##                                  (0.030)   (0.030)   (0.033)   (0.033) 
## as.numeric(Age)                                       0.001     0.001  
##                                                      (0.001)   (0.001) 
## westCoast:Temperature 0.010***  0.011***  0.011***  0.012***  0.012*** 
##                        (0.004)   (0.004)   (0.004)   (0.004)   (0.004) 
## Constant              0.618***  0.710***  0.682***  0.746***  20.865***
##                        (0.185)   (0.189)   (0.189)   (0.211)   (4.907) 
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Year FE                   N         N         N         N         Y    
## Observations             980       963       963       761       761   
## R2                      0.120     0.116     0.119     0.086     0.106  
## Adjusted R2             0.116     0.112     0.114     0.078     0.097  
## =======================================================================
## Note:                                       *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

10 - Is there a variable that significantly changes the sample size of your regressions? Why

#Including age decreases the the sample size by about 200.

## Warning in table(sharks$Age[$Age))]): NAs introduced
## by coercion
##          12 or 13      20s      30s      50s      60s       6½  a minor 
##      198        1        3        3        1        2        1        1 
##  mid-30s     teen     Teen    Teens 
##        1        4        4        1
#maybe we can start replacing teens with ~16, remove the "s" after some of these.  Still, 198 missing all together.

12 - Are serious injuries more or less likely given missingness for the variable?

lim <-$Age))
## Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
t.test(sharks$severe_injury[lim], sharks$severe_injury[!lim])
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  sharks$severe_injury[lim] and sharks$severe_injury[!lim]
## t = -5.0123, df = 305.38, p-value = 9.129e-07
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.247812 -0.108089
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
## 0.6318182 0.8097686
t.test(sharks$westCoast[lim], sharks$westCoast[!lim])
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  sharks$westCoast[lim] and sharks$westCoast[!lim]
## t = 3.2974, df = 318.61, p-value = 0.001086
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.04646003 0.18392090
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
## 0.3272727 0.2120823
#So it appears that missing ages are less likely to be severly injured and more likely to be on the east coast.  Perhaps this is spurious, but it might be a signal of something non-random.