ecls-codbook.txt --- Simon Ejdemyr ( This document describes the variables included in ecls.csv. VARIABLE DESCRIPTION childid child identification number catholic dummy: 1= catholic, 0 = public race child composite race race_white dummy: 1= race==white, 0= not white race_black dummy: 1= race==black, 0= not black race_hispanic dummy: 1= race==hispanic, 0= not hispanic race_asian dummy: 1= race==asian, 0= not asian p5numpla fall 3rd grade: # of places child has lived for at least 4 months since 1st grade p5hmage fall 3rd grade: age of mother p5hdage fall 3rd grade: age of father w3daded fall 3rd grade: father's education level w3momed fall 3rd grade: mother's education level w3daded_hsb dummy: 1= father's education level is high school or below, 0= some college or above w3momed_hsb dummy: 1= mother's education level is high school or below, 0= some college or above w3momscr fall 3rd grade: mother's occupational prestige score w3dadscr fall 3rd grade: father's occupational prestige score w3inccat fall 3rd grade: family income category (13 categories) w3income fall 3rd grade: numeric family income (recoded by taking midvalue from each category of w3inccat) w3povrty poverty score dummy p5fstamp food stamp dummy c5r2mtsc 3rd grade math t-score c5r2mtsc_std standardized values of c5r2mtsc